Music Lyrics Bass and Guitar Tabs and More... |
1st Verse x2 ..guitar 1(acoustic) starts off guitar 2 kicks in the 2nd time e|--------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------| G|-6--6--6-6----------------------------------------------| D|-6--6--6-6---6--6--6-6---8--8--8-8---4--4--4-4----------| A|-4--4--4-4---6--6--6-6---8--8--8-8---4--4--4-4----------| E|-------------4--4--4-4---6--6--6-6---2--2--2-2----------|
Pre-Chourus (both guitars) e|--------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------------| D|-8-----6------4--------6~-------------------------| A|-8-x8--6--x8--4--x8--s-6~-------------------------| E|-6-----4------2--------4~-------------------------|
Chorus (guitar 1) e|--------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------| G|---6--------------6xxx---------6------------------|X2 D|-6-6--8xxx--4xxx--6xxx-6xxx--6-6------------------| A|-6-4--8xxx--4xxx--4xxx-6xxx--6-4------------------| E|-4----6xxx--2xxx-------4xxx--4--------------------|
then (Continued Guitar 1) e|---------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------| G|-------------6666----------------------------------| D|-8888--4444--6666--6666---------44444444---6~------| A|-8888--4444--4444--6666---------44444444-s-6~------| E|-6666--2222--------4444---------22222222---4~------|
Chorus (guitar 2)
e|--9999-8888-9999-11-11-11-11-x3--99999999-s-11~-------| B|------------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------|
pre-verse (guitar 1) e|----------------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--6-6-6-6-------------------------------------------------------------| D|--6-6-6-6-------------------------------------------------------------| A|--4-4-4-4-------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
then do the verse again
then pre-chorus..but on the 2nd pre-chorus the 2nd guitar plays
e|--9---8------------------9-----------------------------------| B|--------8---x2-----8h9p8-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------|
then the chorus
then pre-verse x2
then bridge (both guitars) e|-----------------------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------6----------------6---------------6666-------------| D|-44xx--44xx--6-6--88xx--88xx--6-6--44xx-44xx--6-6666-6666--------| A|-44xx--44xx--6-4--88xx--88xx--6-4--44xx-44xx--6-4444-6666--------| E|-22xx--22xx--4----66xx--66xx--4----22xx-22xx--4------4444--------|
bridge (continued) e|--------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------| G|---------6----------6-----------------------------| D|-44xx--6-6--88xx--6-6---66666666---4~-------------| A|-44xx--6-4--88xx--6-4---66666666-s-4~-------------| E|-22xx--4----66xx--4-----44444444---2~-------------|
then the 1st half of the chorus like this (guitar 1) e|-------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------6~--------------------------------------------------| D|--8~--4~-6~-6~-----------------------------------------------| A|--6~--4~-4~-6~--x2-------------------------------------------| E|--6~--2~----4~-----------------------------------------------|
then the heavy 2nd part of the chorus and then do the chorus again like 2nd part only do for the whole thing...
then play the verse riff one more time and end on e|------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|------6~----------------------------------------------------------------| D|------6~----------------------------------------------------------------| A|------4~----------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------------------|
~Lyrics~ Verse1: Do you ever feel like breaking down Do you ever feel out of place Like somehow you just don't belong And no one understands you Do you ever wanna run away Do you lock yourself in your room With the radio on turned up so loud But no one hears you screaming
Pre-Chorus: No you don't know what it's like When nothing feels alright You don't know what it's like to be like me...
Chorus: To be hurt To be lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked when your down And feel like you've been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one's there to save you No you don't know what it's like ...Welcome to My Life
Verse2: Do you wanna be somebody else Are you sick of feeling so left out Are you desperate you find something more Before your life is over Are you stuck inside a world you hate Are you sick of everyone around With they're big fake smiles and stupid lies While deep inside your bleeding
Bridge: No one ever lied strait to your face And no one ever stabbed you in the back You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay Everybody always gave you what you wanted You never had to work it was always there You don't know what it's like...what it's like
Chorus x2
Welcome to My Life....Welcome to My Life
and thats it ..if you wanna hear the song now you can sign up to the Invasion Crew on just click "street team" at the top and can also get the album "Still Not Any..." on 10/26 or listen on the radio ...thanks alot -Matt
Return to my Simple Plan tabs page The Tablature is Copyright its respective owners.
Website © 2000-2014 All rights reserved. Legal & DMCA: Matt's Music Page has been providing lyrics and tabs in a legal way, paying royalties each year to a few organizations. Then, all lyrics and tabs were removed from the site. Now, there's a new owner to the site, which purchased it August 26, 2014, and he is in negotiation to obtain licensing from BMI at the moment. If you have a specific DMCA request -- please do not hesitate to contact me via the contact button on top. I will do my very best to keep this site fully legal. |
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