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Red Hot Chili Peppers

Blues For Meister


It's always half and half

I'm happy and I'm sad

Everything that's beautifull

Always kills me too

The highest I get up

Is the deepest I get down

You're up there with your life

That's why I gotta shout, shout,

...And then gotta shout, shout


Blues for Meister

You sweet little thing

Blues for Meister

I'm so sad I gotta sing

A cozy little kitty up

sittin' on the couch

Oh, kitty cat, oh, baby

I really miss you now

Well have some respect

For my cat

He got squashed by the wheel

Of a Cadillac

Well, me and my pussy

We lost our flow

Well, goodbye my little calico


Your food's still in the cupboard

Hangin' in its can

You used to love to eat it


I'll always love you Meister

You were so good to me

There's nothing like you nowhere

As far as I can see



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Legal & DMCA: Matt's Music Page has been providing lyrics and tabs in a legal way, paying royalties each year to a few organizations. Then, all lyrics and tabs were removed from the site. Now, there's a new owner to the site, which purchased it August 26, 2014, and he is in negotiation to obtain licensing from BMI at the moment. If you have a specific DMCA request -- please do not hesitate to contact me via the contact button on top. I will do my very best to keep this site fully legal.

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