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>Music Lyrics Bass and Guitar Tabs


The Lyrics Are Below


Black Star


I get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown

Well what am I to do?

I know all the things around your head and what they do to you

What are we coming to?

What are we gonna do?


Blame it on the black star

Blame it on the falling sky

Blame it on the satellite that beams me home


The troubled words of a troubled mind I try to understand

What is eating you

I try to stay awake but its 58hrs since that I last slept with you

What are we coming to?

I just don't know anymore


I get on the train and I just stand about

Now that I don't think of you

I keep falling over I keep passing out

When I see a face like you.

What am I coming to?

I'm gonna melt down


This is killing me




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Legal & DMCA: Matt's Music Page has been providing lyrics and tabs in a legal way, paying royalties each year to a few organizations. Then, all lyrics and tabs were removed from the site. Now, there's a new owner to the site, which purchased it August 26, 2014, and he is in negotiation to obtain licensing from BMI at the moment. If you have a specific DMCA request -- please do not hesitate to contact me via the contact button on top. I will do my very best to keep this site fully legal.

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