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No Control



Stay away from the future

Back away from the light

It's all deranged - no control


Sit tight in your corner

Don't tell God your plans

It's all deranged

No control


If I could control tomorrow's haze

The darkened shore wouldn't bother me

If I can't control the web we weave

My life will be lost in the fallen leaves


Every single move's uncertain

Don't tell God your plans

It's all deranged

No control


I should live my life on bended knee

If I can't control my destiny

You've gotta have a scheme

You've gotta have a plan

In the world of today, for tomorrow's man


No control


Stay away from the future

Don't tell God your plans

It's all deranged

No control


Forbidden words, deafen me

In memory, no control

See how far a sinful man

Burns his tracks, his bloody robes

You've gotta have a scheme

You've gotta have a plan

In the world of today, for tomorrow's man


I should live my life on bended knee

If I can't control my destiny

No control I can't believe I've no control

It's all deranged


I can't believe I've no control

It's all deranged





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Legal & DMCA: Matt's Music Page has been providing lyrics and tabs in a legal way, paying royalties each year to a few organizations. Then, all lyrics and tabs were removed from the site. Now, there's a new owner to the site, which purchased it August 26, 2014, and he is in negotiation to obtain licensing from BMI at the moment. If you have a specific DMCA request -- please do not hesitate to contact me via the contact button on top. I will do my very best to keep this site fully legal.

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